Expanding Your Capacity to Shine

In the world of electrical systems, ampacity is the measure of the maximum amount of current a conductor can carry before it overheats. It’s a term steeped in balance—the delicate dance between potential and endurance. When I first learned about this, I couldn’t help but marvel at its resonance with our own lives.

We, too, carry currents: the energy of our thoughts, relationships, dreams, and responsibilities. And just like those electrical conduits, energy flows through us, shifting and changing depending on how we tend to ourselves. What’s remarkable is that we hold the power to choose—whether to increase or decrease this energy within us.

When we nurture ourselves with care, compassion, and intention, we expand our ampacity, creating space for greater flow and resilience. We not only sustain what we carry but transform our ability to shine brighter, serve deeper, and live more fully.

The Art of Expanding Ampacity

Ampacity isn’t fixed; it grows when we practice intentional self-care. This kind of care isn’t about escaping our lives, but about creating a sanctuary within them—a space where we can breathe, reset, and fortify ourselves for what lies ahead.

Self-care allows energy to flow freely, like an unobstructed stream, nourishing every part of us. It’s how we honor the sacred balance between what we give to the world and what we allow ourselves to receive.

Here are a few ways to expand your personal ampacity and guide your energy flow:

  1. Nourish Your Body: Move gently or vigorously, whichever your body craves today. Honor your physical vessel with foods, rest, and movement that sustain your energy.

  2. Quiet the Noise: Carve out moments of stillness, whether in meditation, prayer, or even a walk among trees. Let silence invite flow and clarity.

  3. Set Boundaries with Love: Boundaries aren’t barriers; they’re bridges that protect your energy for what aligns with your heart.

  4. Celebrate What Fills You: Prioritize the things that light you up—whether it’s creating art, listening to music, tending a garden, or sitting in sacred contemplation.

A Personal Reflection: A Lesson from the Garden

A few years ago, I noticed a wilting potted plant on my windowsill. No matter how much I watered it, its leaves drooped, its vibrance fading. Frustrated, I nearly gave up on it, but then I realized something: the plant had outgrown its pot. Its roots were crowded, unable to stretch or draw the nutrients it needed.

So, I repotted it—gently loosening its roots, giving it space to grow. Within days, it began to revive, its leaves unfurling with newfound strength.

That plant became a teacher for me. How often had I let my life become too crowded, my roots tangled in overcommitments or old stories that no longer served me? Just like that plant, I needed space—space to grow, to breathe, and to allow my energy to flow freely again.

That lesson remains with me. Whenever I feel stretched too thin, I ask myself: Where do I need repotting? Where am I holding too tightly, and where can I create space for growth and flow?

A Simple Exploration: Flow Mapping Through Journaling

To increase your ampacity and open the flow of energy within, try this simple journaling exercise:

  1. Find a quiet space and bring your journal or paper. Light a candle, play soft music, or bring a soothing object to hold if it helps set a reflective mood.

  2. On your page, draw a winding river to represent the flow of energy in your life. Along the river, write down where your energy feels steady and flowing, and where it feels blocked or stagnant.

  3. Reflect on the blocks you notice. Ask yourself: What needs care, attention, or release? What practices or boundaries could help restore flow in this area?

  4. Beside your river, jot down one action you can take today to nurture your flow—something simple and joyful like a mindful walk, a short creative practice, or a loving boundary.

  5. Close your journal by affirming: “I trust in the flow of life, and I honor my energy with care and intention.”

Take as much or as little time with this exploration as feels aligned for you in this moment. Let it be a space where you nourish and nurture yourself, honoring what your heart and energy need today.

If you feel inspired to expand this practice, consider weaving in other elements that speak to you. Gather art supplies and let your creativity flow onto the page, find a piece of instrumental music that feels soft and flowing to accompany your reflections, or take your journal outdoors and immerse yourself in the healing embrace of nature. Allow this experience to be as gentle or as expansive as you need, trusting that whatever arises is perfectly enough.

A World That Needs Your Light

The world we live in is a dynamic, ever-shifting tapestry of challenges, transformations, and possibilities. In the midst of it all, there is a profound need for individuals who can stand as steady beacons of light—grounded, resilient, and radiant in their authenticity. This need isn’t about perfection or constant strength; it’s about presence. It’s about each of us showing up as we are, honoring our gifts and tending to the currents within us so that we can serve others from a place of abundance rather than depletion.

Your light, your unique way of being, holds an irreplaceable value. Imagine how the energy you cultivate within yourself—the love, creativity, and hope you nurture—can ripple outward, touching lives in ways you may never witness but others will deeply feel. Perhaps it’s the kind word you offer that shifts someone’s day. Maybe it’s the art you create, the solutions you innovate, or the quiet, unwavering presence you bring to a loved one’s struggle.

When you tend to your ampacity, you’re not just caring for yourself—you’re preparing to step into a world that desperately needs more love, more connection, and more creative visionaries willing to bring their magic to life.

This doesn’t mean carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Quite the opposite. It means recognizing that when you nurture your energy, set loving boundaries, and honor your soul’s needs, you become a clearer conduit for service. You expand your ability to hold space for others without losing yourself, to bring your full presence to the work of healing, creating, and transforming the world around you.

Right now, someone needs exactly what only you can offer. Not in some distant, idealized future when you feel more ready or more capable, but as you are, in this moment. Your unique gifts—the way you see the world, the love you carry, the talents you possess—are vital threads in the fabric of humanity.

This world needs your light because it’s yours. Not a replica of someone else’s brilliance or a reflection of external expectations, but the authentic glow that comes from honoring who you are, what you hold, and what you’re here to give.

And as more of us step into our fullest selves—brighter, steadier, and unapologetically alive—our collective energy has the power to shift the tides. A single spark can light another. A single act of care, presence, or courage can inspire countless others to do the same. This is how transformation begins—not through grand gestures, but through small, steady acts of love, nurtured by those who have chosen to let their energy flow freely.

From my heart to yours…

Life moves in currents, carrying us through seasons of joy, challenge, and growth. How we care for ourselves determines the ease and grace of that flow. You hold the power to choose—to create space for your energy to move freely and for your light to shine in its fullness.

If today feels overwhelming, pause and remember: tending to yourself is a sacred act, one that ripples outward in ways you may never see but others will feel. Loosen your roots, nurture your energy, and trust that the world needs you—not for what you can do, but for who you are.

From my heart to yours, may you find the courage to honor your sacred current, expand your ampacity, and flow through life with love, strength, and ease.

With loving energy,



Riding the Dragon of Awakening


Mama’s Blessing