Embers Within

As a little girl, I would almost daily ascend the sturdy limbs of a grand old oak tree, each branch feeling like a step drawing me closer to heaven, until I found my perch high above the world. Its ancient limbs stretched wide and strong, and from my lofty seat, I could see the world differently—calmer, more connected. I didn’t have the words for it then, but I could feel a Presence—something vast, loving, and infinite—that seemed to cradle me as I dreamed of a world lit by love and kindness. Those moments sparked a deep knowing in my heart, a Calling to live in communion with that Pure Presence of Love and to share its light with others.

Life, of course, has not always been that idyllic scene perched in the oak tree. There have been seasons of imbalance, times when my connection to Love felt distant and fragile. In those moments, it was as though I’d fallen into a spiritual slumber, waking only to find myself cold, stagnant, and painfully aware of how my ember of passion had dimmed. Looking back, I see how these seasons shared a common thread: I had neglected the practices that kept my soul alive and my connection with Pure Love vibrant.

The life force within us—call it Spirit, Love, or Divine Energy—is not static. It is a dynamic, flowing presence that thrives on our active participation. Just as a fire requires tending to stay alight, the ember of our passion and compassion needs to be nurtured through daily practice, study, contemplation, and introspection. Without these, the ember cools, the flames waver, and our ability to create and share Love in the world diminishes.

For me, it always begins with a commitment to deepen my connection with Pure Love. This is the bedrock of everything else—my passion to teach, my desire to serve, and my dream of expanding the awareness of Love in the world. When I honor this commitment, something beautiful happens. The ember begins to glow, gathering strength and momentum. It transforms into a steady flame that fuels my passions and allows me to move through life with grace, determination, and calm certainty.

These commitments are not always easy to keep. Life pulls us in a thousand directions, and the discipline to stay rooted in practice can feel elusive. But when I choose to honor my commitments—when I hold them close to my heart and let them guide the structure of my days—they transform my inner reality. They fill me with a sense of peace and purpose that I know has the power to ripple outward into the world.

Imagine, for a moment, what might happen if more of us chose to nurture our flames in this way. Imagine the contagion of enthusiasm, love, and passion that could spark across the globe, kindling a collective fire so bright and inclusive that it illuminates even the darkest corners of our world. This, I believe, is how we move closer to a vision of world peace—not through grand gestures, but through the steady, faithful tending of our inner light.

From my heart to yours...

If you are reading this and feeling that your ember has cooled or your flame has dimmed, know this: it is never too late to rekindle the fire. Begin gently. Sit quietly with yourself. Reflect on what brings you alive, what connects you to Love, and what small, sacred practices can help you nurture your light. Even the smallest flicker of intention can begin to stir the flame.

We are all part of this tapestry of Love, and your light matters more than you know. With every breath you take, you are invited to reconnect, to remember, and to shine. I am here, cheering you on, as we walk this path together. May your ember glow brightly, igniting the flames of passion and peace within and around you.

With all my love,


Snapshots of Life


Healing Canvas